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Los resultados del concurso Música contra el Trabajo Infantil 2021 se anunciaron durante el Día Mundial contra el Trabajo Infantil, en el contexto de la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo. 
Donate a concert to the international day against child labour and help raise awareness around this important issue!

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  • Picha
    This concert aims to highlight the potential of music as a powerful tool for advocacy and social change. It will feature compositions from musicians who fought against social injustices and child labor.
El concurso "La Música Contra el Trabajo Infantil" está oficialmente concluido.
¡Gracias a los más de 200 músicos de 50 países que han participado!
Es hora de unirse a la lucha mundial contra el trabajo infantil.
Músicos de todo el mundo se unen a la iniciativa "La música contra el trabajo infantil", una campaña mundial que invita a los músicos a unirse a la lucha por un futuro mejor dedicando conciertos y canciones para sensibilizar e impulsar el cambio.
Vea el vídeo del artista de Sri Lanka, Ridma Weerawardena, dedicado a la Iniciativa musical.


Aún no hay ninguna entrada publicada en este idioma
Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí.


Canciones creadas


Conciertos donados


Músicos participantes


Una colección de música maravillosa dedicada a la lucha contra el trabajo infantil.

Kids United Nouvelle Génération - Take a Stand (Clip Officiel)

Kids United Nouvelle Génération - Take a Stand (Clip Officiel)

Kids United Nouvelle Génération - “Take a Stand" (Clip Officiel) « Take a Stand » est un titre inédit de Kids United Nouvelle Génération dédié à l'Année internationale de l'élimination du travail des enfants en 2021. Crée en collaboration avec l'Organisation internationale du Travail, il est dévoilé à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de l’enfance le 20 novembre 2020. Le titre « Take a Stand » est disponible ici ➡️ A travers cette chanson Dylan, Ilyana, Gloria, Nathan et Valentina unissent leurs voix à la campagne globale de l’Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT) contre le travail des enfants. L’OIT soutient ses pays membres à éliminer le travail des enfants, à travers l’élaboration et l’application des législations et des politiques contre ce fléau. Au fil des ans, des progrès significatifs ont été accomplis dans cette lutte, au profit de millions d'enfants. Plus d'infos : ------------------------------- Take a Stand” is a new song by the band Kids United Nouvelle Génération, dedicated to the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour in 2021. The song was created in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and released on Universal Children’s Day, 20 November 2020. The single “Take a Stand” is available here ➡️ With this song, Dylan, IIyana, Gloria, Nathan and Valentina lend their voices to the ILO’s global campaign against child labour. The ILO supports its member States in the elimination of child labour, through the development and implementation of laws and policies to combat the problem. Over the years, significant progress has been made in the fight against child labour, benefitting millions of children. More info: // PAROLES/ LYRICS : TAKE A STAND Her back is aching from a long day’s work There is so much that she must clean And her employers will say no kind words Although today, she turns thirteen She has a story That millions of children share We must come together For there’s no time to spare REFRAIN / CHORUS Now is the time to unite Take a stand for children’s rights To dream, to learn, to play To grow in safety day by day We all must do our part To give these lives a brand-new start On us, their futures depend Bring child labour to an end It’s time to take a stand His lungs are burning from the dust he breathes In tunnels deep beneath the ground He doesn’t always get the food he needs But it’s the only bet he’s found He has a story That millions of children share We must come together For there is no time to spare REFRAIN / CHORUS Now is the time to unite Take a stand for children’s rights To dream, to learn, to play To grow in safety day by day We all must do our part To give these lives a brand-new start On us, their futures depend Bring child labour to an end It’s time to take a stand Auteur/ Lyrics by : Devon Graves Compositeur / Music by : Igit // Suivez Kids United Nouvelle Génération sur les réseaux sociaux / Follow Kids United Nouvelle Génération : - Instagram : - Facebook : - Twitter : - TikTok : @wearekidsunited_officiel Suivez L’organisation Internationale du travail sur les réseaux / Follow ILO : Instagram : Twitter : et Facebook : Youtube : // Réalisateur / Director : KABA Produit par / Producer : Europicture Images additionnelles utilisées avec l'aimable autorisation de l’ Organisation Internationale du Travail (OIT) / Additional images courtesy of International Labour Organization (ILO) La chanson a été partiellement financée par le Département du travail des États-Unis, dans le cadre du projet MAP16. The song was partially funded by the United States Department of Labor, under the MAP16 project. Une partie des bénéfices de la vente de ce single sera reversée à L’OIT pour soutenir les pays membres dans leur actions pour lutter contre le travail des enfant A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the song will be donated to the ILO’s work in supporting countries to tackle child labour. #Kung #NoChildLabour #UniversalChildrensDay #JournéeMondialeDelEnfance
පුංචි අත්තටු  | Let Them Fly | சிறகை விரித்து - Ridma Weerawardena | Charitha Attalage

පුංචි අත්තටු | Let Them Fly | சிறகை விரித்து - Ridma Weerawardena | Charitha Attalage

පුංචි අත්තටු (Punchi Aththatu) | Let Them Fly | சிறகை விரித்து - Ridma Weerawardena | Charitha Attalage | Chandrasena Thalangama [Official Video] Subscribe : Special Thanks Ilo Country Office For Sri Lanka Ministry Of Labour And Trade Union Relations Employers Federation Of Ceylon National Union Of Seafarers Sri Lanka National Youth Corps Ilo Country Office For Sri Lanka And The Maldives Simrin Singh | Director Asitha Seneviratne | Programme Officer Ilo Country Office For Sri Lanka And The Maldives Rchanie Heendeniya | Manager Regal Theater Lal Dissanayake | Director | Turning Point Studio Ravi J Prathap Eash Thilini Rodrigo -- පුංචි අත්තටු | Let Them Fly | சிறகை விரித்து -- ♪ Performed by - Ridma Weerawardena ♪ Music Composed & Produced By Charitha Attalage & Iclown @ Deverb Studios ♪ Lyrics - Chandrasena Thalangama | Charitha Attalage | Kishawn ♪ Synth Performed By Iclown ♪ Guitar Solo By Thisal Randunu ♪ Female Aalap By Thilini Rodrigo ♪ Backing Vocals By Charitha Attalage ♪ Mix & Mastered By Charitha Attalage Children Choir: Agasthi Lawanya S. Shalomi P. Ashen S. Julian Eshly Shemeeda S. Harshani J. Angel Agra Vimukthi Methumli Aluthge S. Yadushan Filmed By : Baratha Gihan Hettiarachchi @The Turning Point Studio Productions DIrector Of Photography: Ranga Sb Editing: Nanda Nandhi Jayakody | Baratha Gihan Hettiarachchi Color Grading: Ananda Bandara Vfx : Sameera Fernando | Baratha Gihan Hettiarachchi Art & Costium : Dhammika Hewaduwaththa Makeup: Pasan Malshan | Shiran Lakshitha Assistant Directors: Sarath Senarathne Production Manager: Harald Karunathilaka Producer : Nanda Nandhi Jayakody Production Executive : Jayashika Padmasiri 2nd Assistant Director : Vihitha Ravindu Art & Costium Assistant : Gihan Balarachchi Production Assistants: Yehan Chamod Karunathilaka Starring Jaanvi Suneree Naveen Weerarathne Adithya Abewansa Thushari Ranasinghe Harald Karunathilaka Asitha Seneviratne Gagani Adarshaya Karunathilaka Chandrasena Thalangama Appearance Anupama Sampath Vidusha Athalage Thisal Randunu Rash Perera Kanishka Madhuranga Sasith Gamage Dilshan Kish Hakila Harshani Nadeesha Sri Lakmal Pawani Guruge Sadith Samarawickrama Layeshi Ravihari Lithmi Piyathilaka Disni Udhara Tumasha Deshan Didula Tharusara Ravidu Malisha Follow Charitha Attalage's Official playlists on Apple Music : Spotify : Website : Instagram: YouTube Playlists: Charitha Attalage : Ridma Weerawardane: Supun Perera: Other songs by Charita Attalage: Mahamaya (මහමායා) - Kuweni (කුවේණී) - Radhawani - Galana Ganga - Naadagam Geeya - Rahath Himiwarun - Surath Suwaya - Salalihini - Heena Maka - Dura Akahe - Mona Aalawanthakam - #NoChildLabour #ChandrasenaThalangama #RidmaWeerawardena #CharithaAttalage


La iniciativa "La música contra el trabajo infantil", lanzada en 2013 por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) en colaboración con algunos de los mejores músicos del mundo y una serie de importantes organizaciones musicales internacionales, invita a los músicos de todo el mundo a dedicar un concierto o una canción a la lucha contra el trabajo infantil.


Todos los años hacemos un llamado a la comunidad musical mundial para que se una a nosotros para sensibilizar sobre el trabajo infantil y sobre la importancia de la educación musical y artística en la lucha contra este flagelo, dedicando un concierto o una canción a esta causa.


Los objetivos de la Iniciativa musical se establecen en su Manifesto.

El Modulo SCREAM

sobre la Musica

¡Ejecute un programa de educación musical que aborde el trabajo infantil mientras se divierte con la música!

SCREAM (Defensa de los derechos del niño a través de la educación, las artes y los medios de comunicación) es una serie de módulos de formación que permiten a los educadores abordar cuestiones relativas al trabajo infantil con sus alumnos y comunidades. SCREAM ha sido diseñado por la OIT en estrecha colaboración con los sindicatos mundiales de docentes.


El módulo SCREAM sobre la música está disponible de forma gratuita para que los educadores lo descarguen y lo utilicen.

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Para cualquier consulta, pregunta o recomendación, llame al 0032 2 513 97 74, envíe un correo a o rellene el siguiente formulario.

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